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Bahareh Nojabaei

Associate Professor


  • Thermodynamics and phase behavior of reservoir fluids 
  • Multiphase flow reservoir simulation
  • Enhanced oil and gas recovery
  • Unconventional reservoirs
  • Phase behavior analyses of oil-rich shales with large gas-oil capillary pressure 
  • Compositionally-extended black oil models for EOR applications
  • Injection of produced gas to minimize flaring and to enhance oil recovery
  • CO2 sequestration and gas injection EOR in oil-rich shales
  • Relative permeability measurements for shales
  • Pore scale modeling of reservoir fluids in confined space
  • Molecular dynamics simulation of hydrocarbon fluids in nano-pores

Courses taught

  • Multicomponent Thermodynamics

Selected publications

  • Nojabaei B., Johns R.T, 2016, Extrapolation of Black- and Volatile-oil Fluid Properties with Application to Immiscible/Miscible Gas Injection, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, vol.33, pp. 367-37. 
  • Nojabaei B., Siripatrachai N., Johns R.T, Ertekin T., 2016,  Effect of Large Gas-oil Capillary Pressure on Production: A Compositionally-extended Black Oil Formulation, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 147, pp. 317-329. 
  • Nojabaei B., Hasan A.R., Kabir C., 2014, Modeling Wellbore Transient Fluid-Temperature and Pressure During Diagnostic Fracture Injection Testing in Unconventional Reservoirs, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, vol.53, issue 03, pp.161-167.
  • Nojabaei B., Johns R.T, Chu L., 2013, Effect of Capillary Pressure on Phase Behavior in Tight Rocks and Shales, SPEREE, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 281-289.
  • Nojabaei B., Kabir S.C., 2012, Establishing Key Reservoir Parameters with Diagnostic Fracture Injection Testing, SPEREE, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 563-570.
  • Nojabaei B., Mansoori Z., Saffar-Avval M., 2012, Heat transfer in Turbulent Liquid-Solid Flow Considering the Interparticle Collision Effect, Petroleum Science and Technology, vol.30, no.12, pp.1296-1306.


  • 2015: Ph.D., energy and mineral engineering, Pennsylvania State University
  • 2009: Master of Science, mechanical Engineering (energy conversion), Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
  • 2006: Bachelor of Science, mechanical engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

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